In the box, 'Additional information', please provide as many details as possible about how you intend to use the measure. Include
name of the Lead Investigator's associated institution.
names of other investigators and collaborators
the purpose: (Research, Health service quality monitoring/improvement, Other?)
names of data collection sites
anticipated start date and duration
anticipated number and types of patients
Which version of collaboRATE do you plan to use? Patient version, Parent version, Proxy version, Other *please specify*.
How do you plan to administer collaboRATE? Paper survey, online survey, face-to-face interview, telephone interview, automatic telephone collection/Interactive Voice Response, Bespoke IT solution, Other *please specify*.
Do you plan to modify or adapt collaboRATE?
When do you plan to administer collaboRATE? (Immediately after the encounter, within 48 hours of the encounter, or more than 48 hours after the encounter *please specify.*