What is The consideRATE Suite™ of tools for serious illness experience?
The consideRATE Suite has two tools:
What is the consideRATE Talk Guide™?
The consideRATE Talk Guide helps patients share what they really want to talk about with their clinicians during serious illness.
The consideRATE Talk Guide is free to use and publicly available if you sign up for our user group. Sign up for our user-group here.
The consideRATE Suite has two tools:
- A Talk Guide for serious illness conversations - The consideRATE Talk Guide
- A measure of serious illness experience - The consideRATE Questions
What is the consideRATE Talk Guide™?
The consideRATE Talk Guide helps patients share what they really want to talk about with their clinicians during serious illness.
The consideRATE Talk Guide is free to use and publicly available if you sign up for our user group. Sign up for our user-group here.
This 8-item tool helps set the agenda so clinicians can focus on what is really important to patients and their families.
Publications in development. Further evaluations planned.
What are the consideRATE questions(™) - a measure of serious illness experience?
The consideRATE questions are a new measure of serious illness experience based on what matters most to people who are seriously ill.
Researchers at Dartmouth developed the consideRATE questions with user-centered design and community-engaged research approaches. This 9-item measure is brief enough to be completed by most people with serious illnesses in less than 2 and a half minutes.
Publications in development.
The consideRATE questions can be used only with permission.
How can you collaborate with us?
Email Catherine H Saunders at
[email protected].
© 2019 Catherine H. Saunders, Marie-Anne Durand, Kathryn Kirkland, Glyn Elwyn
Publications in development. Further evaluations planned.
What are the consideRATE questions(™) - a measure of serious illness experience?
The consideRATE questions are a new measure of serious illness experience based on what matters most to people who are seriously ill.
Researchers at Dartmouth developed the consideRATE questions with user-centered design and community-engaged research approaches. This 9-item measure is brief enough to be completed by most people with serious illnesses in less than 2 and a half minutes.
Publications in development.
The consideRATE questions can be used only with permission.
How can you collaborate with us?
Email Catherine H Saunders at
[email protected].
© 2019 Catherine H. Saunders, Marie-Anne Durand, Kathryn Kirkland, Glyn Elwyn